
Treatments & FAQs

What is Microblading?

Microblading, also known as eyebrow embroidery or 3D brows, is a relatively new manual method for enhancing eyebrows. It is considered to be permanent makeup, as compared to the traditional hair stroke technique done by machine. It is done using a handheld tool (pen) with a very fine needle grouping to deposit pigment into the dermis. Because the color is closer to the surface, the strokes appear crisp and very fine. There is no spilling under the skin.

The difference with this and ordinary permanent makeup is that microblading is not done by a machine. The pigment is manually placed into the skin. The microblading manual pen is equipped with sterile packaged blades. The needle grouping glides with gentle pressure over the skin and causes fine cuts, as fine as a paper cut, leaving a trace that can hardly be distinguished from real hair. Depending on the drawing technique – of which we are experts – it creates an individual look perfect for your face and the style you are trying to achieve. Above all 3D, or HD, eyebrows absolutely do not appear as a tattoo.

Microblading is ideal for anyone wanting to enhance the look of their eyebrows. The results are natural looking hair-like strokes, regardless of the amount of the hair you currently have.

People suffering from alopecia, trichotillomania or any other condition that causes hair loss benefit greatly from microblading, as well as people who simply aren’t happy with their eyebrows.


Why Choose a PhiBrows Artist?

Phibrows artists produce great work because they follow a very specific method that is taught to them through a rigorous 6 month training course. This course requires the artist to pass 11 levels of mastery to ensure that their methods and their work maintain a very high standard… the Phibrows standard.

The Phibrows method and tools have been meticulously designed and redesigned to aid their trained artists in producing very precise hairstrokes, perfect symmetry, and a beautiful eyebrow shape that goes with the natural shape of their client’s face and bone structure.

Phibrows products have also been tested and redesigned again and again to ensure the highest quality, to avoid any dangerous heavy metals found in most permanent makeup pigments and to provide color that stays.

It is for these reasons and more, that if you want great results with your microblading treatment, it is highly recommended that you seek out a Phibrows artist.



How long does the treatment take?

Usually Microblading is done in two sessions. The first takes two to three hours. In the first session, the brow is shaped and styled to the client’s preference, and pigment is applied.. Four to six weeks later, the client returns for the second session for touch up, This takes one to two hours.


How long does microblading take to heal?

It takes about ten days for healing. In that time any redness will fade and the initial darkness of the eyebrows will begin to lighten. The color will lighten over about thirty days as it completely sets in.


Why is it necessary to do a touch up?

Touch up is necessary because everyone heals differently and therefore the outcomes vary. Sometimes it is necessary to adjust the color and brow thickness by adding more strokes. In the touch up session, the final adjustments are made to assure the client’s satisfaction.


Can the touch up be done in less than four weeks?

This is not recommended because the healing needs to be completed before the final results are seen. Final adjustments should only be done after the initial work has stabilized.


Is Microblading painful?

The level of discomfort is relatively minor. Some liken it to tweezing two to three hairs at the same time. Usually a topical anesthetic is used to numb the area being worked. Topical anesthetics are safe and may contain lidocaine, tetracaine and epinephrine.

Redness and slight swelling in the area is common after the procedure. Often clients liken the feeling to a slight sunburn. Frequently Tylenol is used to deaden any discomfort.


How long does Microblading last?

Generally Microblading lasts six to eighteen months, depending on skin type…normal, oily, or dry and age…young or mature. It is not permanent like a tattoo, because the pigments are not implanted so deeply into the skin. Skincare also affects the duration of the pigments. To maintain the brows, touch may be done every six to eighteen months.


Are there any pre and post care instructions?

Prior to the start of your session, avoid alcohol, aspirin, ibuprofen and any vitamins for seventy-two hours. Sometimes these have the effect of thinning your blood.
Avoid tanning to allow your natural skin tone to be assessed.


Are there any post-procedure instructions?

Gently clean brows using a Q-tip lightly moistened with water.
Gently wipe away Skin Candy (healing balm) and any lymphatic liquid (clear yellowish buildup) that may have occurred on the skin.
Re-apply skin candy (healing balm) after lightly cleaning with a tissue.
Apply a light layer of skin candy morning and night to brows for five to seven days.
Do not over apply Skin Candy.
Do not immerse brows in water for two weeks.
Avoid face area when showering.
When washing your face, make sure to avoid brows.
Do not use makeup on the brows for up to two weeks.
Avoid alcohol, aspirin, ibuprofen and vitamins that may cause your blood to thin for twenty-four hours.
Do not peel or scratch at the scabbing as your brow area heals.
No swimming, tanning or saunas for two weeks.
No face scrubs or chemical peels for two weeks.


Who should NOT have Microblading?

Those using Accutane
Anyone with a heart condition or is using heart medications
Anyone with diabetes will need a physician’s approval.
Anyone with skin diseases or inflammations.
Anyone who had Botox in the last two weeks.
Anyone who has gotten a deep tan or chemical peel in the last two weeks.
Anyone who requires anesthetic and is allergic to lidocaine, tetracaine, or epinephrine.
Anyone with serious medical conditions should consult with their doctors and obtain their approval.
Anyone pregnant or nursing should get their doctor’s approval.
Anyone on blood thinning medications.


What are some of the risks and complications with Microblading?

Proper procedures and precautions are used to ensure safe procedures. Either sterilized tools or disposable tools are used in a sanitized environment. When pre and post care instructions are followed the risk of complications are minimal. Allergic reactions to pigments are very rare, but sometimes occur. For this reason, a pigment patch test for those with sensitive skin or to topical makeup product, gold , silver, nickel, or hair dyes should be patch tested a few days in advance of the procedure.


What if I don’t like the result?

Carefully choose your practitioner. Compare the work of various artists before choosing. Discuss your expectations and desired outcome, including the shape, style, and color you wish with the artist. Realize that faces are never perfectly symmetrical. Adjustments may be made during touch up, such as pigment discoloration and color correction. Remember that Microbladed brows will eventually fade away if touch ups are not done.



This treatment is noninvasive, painless and requires no downtime. It uses a diamond-tipped applicator with a slight suction to remove dead or damaged skin cells. Skin will appear softer, smoother, brighter, clearer, fresher and younger looking. The skin is treated to a deep, mechanical exfoliation that gently resurfaces the outer layers of the skin, removing damaged cells and stimulating the skin’s natural cell regenerating process. The vacuum used in microdermabrasion stimulates collagen and elastin. The result is a healthy, natural, smooth and youthful skin. Pregnancy Safe Treatment.

This treatment which promotes healthy skin within a matter of weeks can treat:

  • Fine Lines & Wrinkles
  • Pigmented Irregularities
  • Age Spots
  • Enlarged Pores
  • Sun Damaged Complexion
  • Open and Closed Comedones
  • Acne and Acne Scars
  • Coarsely Textured Skin

Frequently Asked Questions:

Who can benefit from Microdermabrasion?
Skin that is aging, congested, flaky, dry, devitalized, thickened, blemished, dull and sun damaged can be rejuvenated and refreshed. Blotchiness, uneven skin tones and texture will also be improved. Even normal skin can be made to look fresher with a warm glow.

How often are the treatments given?
Microdermabrasion requires a series of treatments. While results are achieved with a single treatment, it is an unrealistic to expect significant results from a single treatment. Cumulative results can be significant with as little as 6 treatments repeated one to three weeks apart. Monthly maintenance treatments are recommended.

How many treatments are needed to achieve significant results?
The number of treatments depends on the type of skin problem the patient has.

What areas can be treated?
The most common areas that are treated are the face and neck. In addition we can treat the chest, shoulders, back, hands, knees and elbows. Any body area can be treated.

Why does the skin benefit from Microdermabrasion?
Approximately every 28 days we create a new layer of skin. As new cells form they push their way to the surface and then dead cells settle on the surface. This can cause enlarged pores, clogged pores, a bumpy uneven texture, and a dull appearance. As we age this process slows down leading to the appearance of older skin with less radiance.

Are there any side effects from the treatment?
Since we are only treating the outer layer, called the stratum corneum, serious side effects is not a problem. Non-invasive and non-wounding to the skin’s surface, microdermabrasion has no discomfort, down time or recovery. Patients typically experience some redness for about an hour after the procedure. Healing time for most is a few days.

What can I expect after my first treatment?
Though microdermabrasion requires a series of treatments, you can see a visible improvement in the treated skin after the first treatment. Some patients experience a tightness and redness of the skin, comparing it to the feeling of mild sunburn. To restore moisture that is lost during Microdermabrasion, I recommend proper moisturizer for daily use.


  • If you suffer with cold sores, you should be cold sore free prior to a treatment to avoid the risk of them spreading.
  • You need to discuss with the technician if you have any of these conditions: rosacea, dermatitis, skin cancers, easy bruising, Hepatitis C, AIDS, or are on blood thinners or Accutane.
  • If you use Retin A products or any skin care products that irritate the skin you should stop them for at least 2-3 days before and do not restart until 2-3 days after a treatment.

For One week before and after your treatment please STOP using the following treatments and products:

  • Electrolysis, waxing, depilatories, masks, other Glycolic or Lactic Treatments or Dermabrasion.
  • Hair dyes, permanent wave or straightening treatments.
  • Tretinoin (Vitamin A Acid creams) and Glycolic Acids.
  • Loofa or other types of sponges.

Be sure to inform of:

  • History of sensitive skin, eczema, lupus or other autoimmune disease.
  • Current medications.
  • History of sun sensitivity.




Chemical Exfoliation (also known as a chemical peel) is a process used to improve skin tone and texture, diminish fine lines, reduce brown spots and treat acne. Chemical peels are great for re-texturizing, brightening the skin for a fresh new look and may also remove pre-cancerous skin growths.

Not all Chemical peels are the same.

There is a large difference between salon facial peels and medical peels. Medical Grade peels allow for a higher concentration of chemicals that allow the dermal layer to actually receive the benefits associated with these treatments. PCA SKIN use blends of well-tolerated, safe and effective peeling ingredients in peel solutions. Alpha hydroxyl Acids (AHA), beta hydroxyl acids (BHA), trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and retinoids are used in strategic combinations to address a wide variety of skin concerns. PCA SKIN was the originator of advanced blended chemical peel formulations and remains the trusted industry leader in the development of gentle, yet highly effective professional peels.

I am using variety of PCA Peels to treat a variety of skin conditions:


These innovative and proven light-to-medium depth peel formulas effectively exfoliate with blends of lactic, citric and salicylic acids and resorcinol, while bleaching and inhibiting pigment production with kojic acid and hydroquinone (where indicated). These peels help repair and reduce breakouts, control oil, soften lines and provide a more even, smoother skin texture. PCA SKIN Peel Exfoliating Treatments are available in the following three formulas:

PCA Peel with Hydroquinone Exfoliating Treatment

This formula is for those who want even skin tone and have no sensitivity to hydroquinone. It will help to quickly lighten pigment discolorations of any kind, such as melasma and sun damage. In addition, this peel helps inhibit active acne and correct post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (skin discoloration) from acne.

PCA Peel with Hydroquinone & Resorcinol Exfoliating Treatment

The most potent PCA Peel formula, this peel will even skin tone and provide more exfoliation for oilier, thicker and more resilient skin types. It is effective on extremely sun damaged and thickened skin. It is also excellent for those with active/cystic acne and asphyxiated skin (dry on the surface, oily underneath).

PCA Peel Hydroquinone Free Exfoliating Treatment

This peel is ideal for more sensitive skin types, ethnic skin and/or those allergic to hydroquinone. This treatment will help unclog pores, clear acne and rejuvenate the skin. With its blend of alpha and beta hydroxy acids and brighteners, it is also an excellent choice for maintaining even pigmentation and correcting pigment discolorations for those with hydroquinone sensitivities.



Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) peels are often thought of as very aggressive and producing substantial discomfort. PCA Professional TCA peels are very different from the standard. Our TCA solutions are blends formulated with many ingredients including lactic acid, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), plumping phytohormones and kojic and azelaic acids to produce dramatic results without the discomfort and downtime associated with traditional TCA peels. Below are our three TCA formulations:

Ultra Peel I Exfoliating Treatment

Specially formulated to treat dehydrated, maturing skin, Ultra Peel I is also appropriate for many skin types, conditions and sensitivities. It will help treat smoker’s skin, pigment disorders, sun damaged skin and acne. This treatment is especially ideal for sensitive skin, as it produces only a mild tingling sensation. Moderate to aggressive exfoliation will be experienced, depending on the number of layers applied. Overall, the final result will be plump, hydrated and ultra-soft skin.

Sensi Peel Exfoliating Treatment

This gentle solution is formulated primarily for ethnic skin, and other extremely sensitive skin types. Sensi Peel will strengthen and brighten the skin while helping to treat sun damage and other forms of hyperpigmentation (skin discoloration). This multi-faceted treatment also provides anti-inflammatory, anti-acne and antibacterial action, making it an excellent choice for helping calm rosacea, as redness and inflammation can subside substantially after treatment.


Retinol, is a gentler vitamin A derivative, widely known as one of the most effective ingredients in skin care today. Retinol has been used in many forms, both at home and in the treatment room. Retinol enhances the absorption of vitamins, antioxidants, and rich active ingredients into the skin for maximum benefits, and is highly effective for improving pigmentation, clearing blemish prone skin, and increasing cell turnover cycle as we age.

The Pure Retinol Peel is PCA SKIN®’s newest innovation. For skin in need of rejuvenation, this retinoid peel smooths, brightens, and evens skin tone through increased cell turnover and peeling without irritation. Peeling can last anywhere from seven to ten days, returning the skin to optimal function and its results are dramatic. Powerful antioxidants are used to calm and rejuvenate the skin while fight off free radical damage, providing better product absorption and moisture for firmer, brighter, smoother skin.


The keratolytic action of these treatments helps to smooth surface texture, clear blocked follicles and reduce the incidence of breakouts.

Clarifying Mask Treatment

Clarifying Mask’s blend of 20% salicylic acid with cherry extract and other natural ingredients makes this an ideal choice for helping to improve acne, breakout-prone skin and sluggish, dull complexions. Its exfoliating, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits refine skin texture and bring new brightness and freshness to the skin.

Pumpkin Peel Treatment

PCA Professional Pumpkin Peel Treatment is a powerful antioxidant treatment that brightens and rejuvenates the skin. Pumpkin contains the highest concentration of salicylic acid of any plant, which provides the Pumpkin Peel Treatment with potent skin smoothing and pore clearing action. The treatment has simultaneous actions; it exfoliates and draws impurities out of the skin while introducing vitamins, enzymes and nutients into the skin.  The skin will have a healthy glow after this treatment.

Smoothing Body Peel

The Smoothing Body Peel Treatment contains TCA, latic acid, and salicylic acid to affect dramatic chances in the skin’s appearance and texture. It is an excellent choice for treating rough, dehydrated, sun-damaged or acneic skin on the arms, legs, back, chest, hands, feet. Leaves skin smooth and soft.

Body Peel must stay on the skin for 12 hours. It is recommended that this area not be covered. Also, if the desired area to be treated is the feet, a pair of flip-flops designated to this is recommended, because the the peel solution can stain.


Microneedling (Collagen Induction Therapy)

Micro needling, this skin rejuvenation treatment been a standard procedure in Europe for decades and is a natural alternative to some injectable fillers or other treatments for skin irregularities. It has become very popular in recent years in USA as well.
Over time your skin can go through many changes and be negatively impacted by age or environmental factors. Uneven skin tone, wrinkles, stretch marks, and sun spots can distract from your natural features or significantly age you. Acne can lead to scarring, giving skin an uneven texture that is difficult to cover up. A non-surgical and minimally-invasive option for skin resurfacing (microneedling) begins the body’s natural healing process to fill in scars and reduce other signs of aging through collagen and elastin production.
Besides the short recovery time and minimal discomfort, microneedling has other advantages. The simple procedure can be used to treat a wide variety of skin irregularities that, in some cases, can take multiple treatments to alleviate. For example, fillers can improve the appearance of scars or wrinkles but cannot treat discolorations like sun spots on the surface of the skin.
Also, some forms of skin resurfacing can cause discoloration in people of color. This is not a problem with microneedling, which can be used on virtually any skin tone or texture.

It achieve a number of goals, such as;

Lip wrinkles
Skin texture/tone
Pore appearance
Increase product absorption
Superficial facial wrinkles
Skin texure on the neck
Acne scarring/trauma scarring
Melasma and pigmentation
Textural improvements to chest
Stretch marks



What is Microcurrent Facelift?

A micro-current facelift is a non-surgical, non-invasive cosmetic technique that safely and effectively improves the health and appearance of the skin.  A microcurrent facelift uses technologies developed in the medical and physiotherapy fields to activate the skin’s natural chemicals responsible for health and vitality. A micro-current facelift provides satisfying aesthetics results with less risk of side effects compared to a traditional facelift. The micro-current facelift procedure is proven safe and effective, delivering results at a fraction of the cost of traditional procedures.


What is the benefit?

A microcurrent facelift delivers a variety of benefits to patients who wish to attain a healthier and younger looking appearance. A micro-current facelift can be performed to achieve the following benefits: improve muscle tone in face and neck, lift jowls and eyebrows, reduce and eliminate fine lines and wrinkles, improve facial circulation, skin exfoliation, lymphatic drainage, sun damage treatment, skin pigment improvement, product penetration, and much more.


How does it work?

A microcurrent facelift utilizes micro-current technology which uses gentle electrical stimulation to trigger the body’s natural skin enhancement chemicals at a cellular level. Clinical studies have shown that after twenty days of treatment collagen production increases by 14 percent, elastin increases by 48 percent, and blood circulation increases by 38 percent. Scientists have also found that micro-current facelift treatments trigger the body’s production of amino acids and ATP. Both of these accelerate cell repair and promote healthier cell production.


Are you a candidate for Microcurrent?

The best candidate for a micro-current facelift is any person who wishes to maintain or gain a youthful appearance. Younger clients can seek a microcurrent facelift to prevent some of the aesthetic effects of aging. Older clients can be rejuvenated by having a micro-current facelift.


How long and how often is the treatment?

The micro-current facelift procedure itself takes approximately one hour to complete and is virtually painless. A microcurrent facelift specialist will use two pronged instruments to gently deliver electrical stimulation to the muscles and tissues of the face and/or neck. The microcurrent facelift procedure requires no anesthesia, no recovery time, no downtime from work, and has no irritating side effects. To achieve the ultimate benefits of a microcurrent facelift, approximately twelve treatment sessions are recommended. Routine follow up treatments are performed to maintain micro-current facelift results.

Microcurrent technology is the latest in skin care. This system is a safe and effective alternative to BOTOX, fillers, resurfacing, peels and lifts. Most people see results after just one treatment!


Microcurrent Facelift may help with the following conditions:

Reduction of fine lines, creases and wrinkles

Increase in hydration and revitalization, resulting in smoother and softer skin

Improved blood circulation and lymphatic drainage

Rejuvenating restoration of the “pink glow” of youthful tones

Visible firming and contouring, lifting overall drooping features

Tightening of sagging jowls, doubling chins and fatty cheeks

Puffiness under the eyes

All of this without the usual risks…no redness, no harmful side-effects, no wounding or infections, no abrasion, no soreness, and no pain.



A Revitapen Facial 



A Revitapen Facial™ immediately helps to improve tone, texture and balance, and restores a healthy, refreshed glow to your skin. The epidermal layer of the skin is rejuvenated and the conditioned skin retains a healthy plumpness, minimizing the look of fine lines and wrinkles by the end of even your initial treatment. You walk out feeling and looking amazing with the full benefits of the Revitapen Facials™ having just begun.



In the next days to come

The groundbreaking nanotechnology used in the Revitapen Wand™ allows for maximum absorption of professional use only targeted serums. Whether you’re combatting aging, blemishes, sunspots or other skin issues–direct delivery of our serums right to the edge of the dermal layer will restore the ideal micro-environment your skin needs for optimal function and regeneration. In a matter of days a brand new, smoother, more radiant and even toned layer of skin will start to appear.



Over the course of two weeks

The delivery of targeted serums to the top of the dermal layer in conjunction with the Revitapen Facials™, awakens the skin’s collagen-producing cells, which become sluggish and stagnant as we age. Over the course of just two weeks skin firmness and elasticity is increased. Combined with the other brilliant results achieved by The Revitapen Facial™, skin is left with an invigorated, youthful appearance. Long term improvements can continue to be seen for weeks even after a single facial.

  • From 0 to 24 hours: fine lines and wrinkles will fade and the face will be plumper and more voluminous.
  • Days 3-5: The old dead skin will gently begin to peel away.
  • Days 7-10: A new healthier skin will begin to surface, a healthy glow will be present.
  • Days 10-14: Maximal results will appear and skin will look its best. Longer term improvements from the Revitapen Facial will continue to appear over the next 60-120 with firmer healthier skin overall.
  • Facials are recommended every 2-4 weeks for optimal results and ultimately depend on individual needs.

The Custom RevitaPen Facial $150

*Series of four: $540

*Series of six: $765

*All series must be used on a once a week or twice a month basis.

The RevitaPen & The Infusion: $180

The RevitaPen Facial & Microcurrent Facial Rejuvenation: $180

The RevitaPen Infusion & Microcurrent Facial Rejuvenation: $200

You must not have used Retin-A or any other form of prescription topical tretinoin in the last 30 days, Accutane in 6 months, glycolic or salicylic acid in 30 days, or had a facial waxing service 24 hours prior.


Who is not a candidate for The RevitaPen Facial?

People with un-diagnosed lesions or skin infections
Recent herpes outbreaks
Severe rosacea
Scars less than 6 months old
Severe solar keratosis
Psoriasis, and people who are diabetic or have other auto-immune system disorders.